Impact Stories

Prison Reforms | Naveen Gatividhiyan apnayenge, Banda Jail ko sarvottam banayenge

"The prison administration at Banda has effectively explored various measures to positively impact the lives of inmates.

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Details of initiative on electoral reforms under innovative banda by dm sh. Heera lal ji

Banda is a district of 1.8 million people in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Unfortunately, in recent years,..

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Banda Suposhan Karyakram - Ab Har Bachcha Suposhit

Undernutrition badly affects the childhood survival and physical and mental development. It has long-term adverse impact..

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Bhoojal Badhao, Peyjal Bachao Abhiyaan - Banda and Kuwan Taalab Jiaon Abhiyaan - Banda

“As water conservation expert, I inspected initiatives by Sh. Heera Lal in Banda to conserve water & found them to be...

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Gyaan Kumbh - Innovation & Start Up Summit

Banda is one of the most backward districts of Uttar Pradesh, plagued with age-old problems of Anna Pratha, Water crisis and Malnutrition....

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Innovative Banda! For the people - By the people.

Governance has been defined to refer to structures and processes that are designed to ensure accountability, transparency, responsiveness...

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Model Gaon | Democratising village development through 'active public participation'.

गांव मेरी शान, गांव मेरी पहचान।
गांव को धनी बनाएंगे,
देश में खुशहाली लाएंगे।
एक नयी सोच, एक नयी पहल। ...

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