

Dr Heera Lal, IAS

Heera Lal was born in July, 1967 in a very small village, Bagdeeh in District Basti of Uttar Pradesh, India. He spent his childhood in scarcity and hardships of rural environment. He silently learned the lessons of Struggle for the Survival that affluent people never learn throughout their lives. Up to class five, he studied in Primary school at very small rural place called Sihari and for completing his sixth to eighth standard education, he moved to deep rural area called Rasulpur. Heera Lal rates this period as golden period of his life because this was the time when he confronted with the stern realities of hard life and learned the art of survival in difficult times. During this, he realized that each odd condition that comes across while doing a task, fills the man with a mighty force, which when utilized properly, gets the task completed.

During his Intermediate (UP Board) education, an intense desire developed in him that the world around us should change and lives should be physically and mentally easy to live. At the same time, he also realized that it requires lot of strength and power to bring a change in the environment and in the existing systems.

The desire alone is of no use. So, he decided to acquire power through education - knowledge is power. He completed his B. Tech. Degree in Electrical Engineering from G.B. Pant university of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, U. S. Nagar, Uttaranchal, in 1989. But his keen interest to serve the society and benefit the masses, forced him to leave his M. Tech. studies from IT BHU Varanasi, UP, in the middle and join NTPC Ltd. ( in 1993) and later on U.P. Civil Services ( in 1994).

His entry into Civil Services gave him new enthusiasm and zeal to fulfill his childhood dream that had grown quite big by now. Now, he had the resources, power and machinery with him to serve the masses and bring changes in their lives. He took full advantage of this platform and started helping others and enjoying his work.

After working for more than 16 years he took a leap ahead. To strengthen his capabilities and sharpen his skills and wisdom, he went to USA to attend one year training program on Public Administration, Conflict Resolution and Leadership of International and Non-Government Organizations. He returned back to India and resumed his duties in May 2010. Further, he started his doctoral research in the area of ICT enabled good governance in 2015.

He completed his Ph.D. in 2020 with the Title "Role of ICT in Achieving Good Governance, with a Reference to Uttar Pradesh: A Study of select Government Programs". He started his career as Engineer at NTPC in March 1993. He started working as PCS in July 1994 and as IAS in 2010. He has served in many positions at GoUP like Managing Director, UP Small Industry Corporation Kanpur; Special Secretary Culture and Director Culture; Managing Director UPDESCO; Special Secretary Rural Development; Regional Food Controller Faizabad Division; Special Secretary Labour, and Special Secretary Home Guard.

He was District Magistrate Banda for one and half year. He received many awards for his innovative work and out of box working style. Currently, he is Additional Mission Director, National Health Mission, Uttar Pradesh and Additional Project Director, Uttar Pradesh State AIDS Control Society, Lucknow.

He is having outstanding record for successfully running administration in different positions and locations using IT enabled services for providing good governance to public. He acts like a social leader. He enjoys supporting the poor, helpless and needy as a hobby. His egoless, simple style and keenness to connect and help needy is core strength

He is a self-motivated and energetic person who makes continuous efforts to work for transformation of social and economic growth of society. He likes changes and does the things differently.

He is having deep understanding and clear vision of how social, economic transformation can be achieved specially mobilizing education, health and agriculture sector with overall development of all part of society with ability to move together.

He mostly adopts formula of no cost or low cost, convergence of available resources/funds and participation/involvement of stakeholders. He knows all tricks and techniques how to associate and hold all stakeholders all along. He is in plan to do one more research to keep in touch with reading and writing.

The desire alone is of no use. So, he decided to acquire power through education - knowledge is power.

He completed his B. Tech. Degree in Electrical Engineering from G.B. Pant univEver since Heera Lal started working on his dream, he has been helping individuals, organizations, societies and government machinery by resolving all sorts of issues related to:

  • Malnutrition and Women Healthcare.
  • Water Conservation and Ground Water recharging.
  • Prison Reforms.
  • Student and Youth Development.
  • Tourism Development.
  • Enabling Farmer Prosperity through agro entrepreneurship.
  • Awareness campaigns for increased voting percentage.
  • Startup Innovation.
  • Campaign for popularizing Yoga amongst the masses.
  • Rural Women Empowerment through entrepreneurship development.
  • Promotion and Development of Folk and local cultural activities.
  • Revival, Promotion and Development of local sports.

He is currently also an Honorary Mentor of Model गाँव. Based on his celebrated development experiments in Banda as District Magistrate, Model गाँव is his brain-child. Model Gaon is a non-profit initiative which aims to transform Indian villages into model villages. The vision of this project is to work towards the holistic development of villages.

This will be achieved by setting an agenda for rural development through Village Manifesto. Develop changemakers who will lead this transformation and handhold FPCs empowering small and marginal farmers to convert agri into agri-business. Model गाँव is playing a significant role in transforming the thought process of farmers and villagers on the whole. For details :

Educational Journey


D. Litt. - Role of Communication in Achieving Good Governance

2021 - Continue
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya Avadh University, Ayodhya - Uttar Pradesh (India)


Ph.D. - Role of ICT in Achieving Good Governance

2015 - 2020
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Tecgnical University, Lucknow - Uttar Pradesh (India)


MPA - Master in Public Administration

2009 - 2010
Maxwell School, Syracuse University, New York, USA


M.Tech - Power Electronic Via GATE (Project Incomplete)

1989 - 2021
IIT B.H.U. Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh (India)


B.Tech - Electrical Engineering

1985 - 1989
G. B. Pant University of Agricultural and Technology, Pantnagar - Uttrakhand (India).


9th to 12th

1980 - 1984
Government Inter College (G.I.C.), Basti- Uttar Pradesh (India)


6th to 8th

1977 - 1979
Kishan High School Rasulpur, Tareta, Basti - Uttar Pradesh (India)


1st to 5th

1972 - 1976
Primary Pathshala, Sihari, Basti - Uttar Pradesh (India)